3 Important Fire Prevention Tips


  1. Smoke detector maintenance – This may seem like a no brainer, but with smoke detectors being so common place, we never think to check them. Every six months to a year, you should be checking your smoke detector to make sure it’s working.
  2. Clean cooking area- When you’re cooking with open flames, make sure the area is free from debris, crumbs, or anything else that can be set ablaze. Greasy stovetops can lead to grease fires.
  3. Safe space for heaters – Make sure your space heater is in a safe area when in use. If the heated coils make contact with any fabric or paper it can set it on fire. So give your space heater some space.

Prevent grease fires in commercial kitchens by getting you vents cleaned. http://www.venthoodcleaningtexas.com/

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